This is a truly disgusting example of the WT’s latest brainwashing techniques. The overt and subliminal messages in this short cartoon are so obviously self-serving it’s painful to watch. It makes me angry to think of young people being manipulated and emotionally coerced in such a way. Dang, I hate this organization!
under the radar
JoinedPosts by under the radar
New WT video: Like taking money from a baby!
by WingCommander injust when you thought may's jw dot org video featuring wide-eyed cult lunatic gb lett guilting the masses into giving every last dime they have couldn't be topped, your children will now be fed a guilt-inducing cartoon in which they are guilted into giving every last cent they have to the wt cult.
the wt entitles this one, "give us your money!
even your children are to be shaken down!
Watchtower Society now PROMOTES using Social Media / Networks?
by FusionTheism inhave you seen this?.
under the radar
When it comes to ripping into the Society over its money-grubbing greed, brain-washing mind-control tactics, self-serving doctrines that are subject to change and even flip-flop whenever there's an advantage to doing so and yet are required articles of faith for the rank and file, not to mention their ridiculous interpretations of various prophecies over the years and the evermore self-aggrandizing of the Governing Body... I'm right in there! I hate the organization and its policies (but NOT the individual members) with a passion!
That said, not everything the Society does is bad, even if its underlying purpose is to reinforce the notion that the Society is a reliable source of sound advice and good information.
I saw nothing objectionable about this particular "PSA" about online safety for social media sites and the like. Everything in the little video was correct and actually, though it pains me to acknowledge it, good advice.
If only the rest of their policies and teachings were geared towards the true best interests of their followers, and not so self-serving and dictatorial... Don't hold your breath.
by brandnew inmay 10th, the whole study was about covering up their mistakes, and putting it off on "recent refinements of understandings".. you could just look at the elder on stage and know he was not feelin this study.. when a neewbie answered and said" lots of unexpected changes are happening" i about fell outta my seat !
under the radar
I personally believe the whole concept of some all-powerful Sky Daddy and the organized religions required to worship him "properly" is a giant festering pus-filled sore on the face of humanity.
That said, I don't really have a problem with the Society (or any religious group) changing their interpretation of various passages and prophecies, as long as they clearly announce that it is a change. I could actually respect a group that frankly admitted they were wrong before and explained why they believe they have it right now. You can always chalk it up to "further research and reflection" or more related information coming to light.
The real problem, as I see it, is the required acceptance of whatever the Truth© is today. You might call it the Truth de jour. Faithful JW's are not only required to accept every new teaching or interpretation that comes along, they are also required to fully embrace it, believe it is the true interpretation, and teach it to others. That inevitably leads to the situation where "what was apostasy yesterday is required today, and what is required today might be apostasy tomorrow." Sometimes it even goes back and forth.
How many people have died or were prepared to die for a belief that has now changed? Think organ transplants and the use of blood "fractions." How many young men went to prison rather than "compromise" with the military authorities and voluntarily accept civilian service in lieu of being drafted when later that very "compromise" was encouraged and commended as "staying faithful"?
Doctrines and organizational policies will always be subject to change and reinterpretation to suit the needs of the organization, often driven more by political, legal, or financial considerations than anything "spiritual." The real shame is that individuals must continually change their own viewpoints to match whatever the latest "light" from New York is, regardless of how ludicrous or contradictory to former teachings it may be.
"Current Truth©" is a moving target, but the penalty for failure to keep in step is the dreaded branding as an apostate. Fear, social coercion, and emotional blackmail are effective tools for keeping the masses in line.
Whatever happened to the rumor of Circuit Overseers being dissolved?
by Black Man ini remember that was a rumor going around shortly before i left the jws.
whatever happened with it?
under the radar
The TV series Breaking Bad had a great way of doing that... but isn't that a little drastic? Couldn't they just be reassigned somewhere?
Or do they know too much?
Oxy-delirious Fly -On- Ear ( Part 1)
by Hairtrigger infrom an oxy-delirious fly-on-ear ( part 1) .
by hairtrigger.
i gonna tell one of my adventures on the circuit.
under the radar
Alright then...
Does this sound suspiciously like Armageddon Okies the Sequel to anyone else?
Graduating college May 14. Update on Getting my GED and going to college thread from 5 years ago.
by noni1974 in
i started this topic 5 years ago letting everyone know i had decide to get my ged and go to college in hopes of getting an education so that i could have a career instead of just a job.
i wanted fulfillment and a future, not just another job that has no really future in it.
under the radar
Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!!!
I don't even know you, but I am SO proud of you. I really admire initiative and self-motivation in people, especially when they are starting "behind the eight ball." You have every right to be very pleased with yourself.
For what it's worth, my Extremely Significant Other is a medical coder now, as well as a former supervisor and instructor in a major regional hospital here in the northeast. She says the field is really going to explode when ICD-10 finally begins here in the US. She now codes from home for a major agency and loves the control it gives her over her schedule.
NEW 2012 Elders book with 2015 Amendments
by Newly Enlightened inthanks to jw archive wiki we have a pdf of the new elders book..
under the radar
Maybe I have a naughty side, but when I downloaded the PDF of this book, I renamed it Flocking the Sheep.
Does anyone know how to hyperlink BOE letters to the notes in the book? Thanks to Atlantis, I have copies of almost every one of the BOE letters referred to. It would be convenient to be able to click on the "handwritten" notes and have the actual letter pop up.
Why I HATE the WTS - I'm not a JW, I'm a Human Being
by berrygerry in
but, god hates him because he's not a baptized jw.
under the radar
Thank you for posting this. I re-posted it on my Facebook page, with introductory comments like "What is this man's religion? Does he even have one? ... Does it even matter?"
We'll see if I get "unfriended" by anyone. I doubt it. But if I do, then they weren't really friend material anyway.
Sat., March 28th, TV program "48-hours" investigates JW killer, Christian Longo. Focuses on his impersonation of journalist
by AndersonsInfo in .
48 hours investigates accused killer who impersonated journalist.
march 27, 2015, 8:20 am|a journalist strikes up an unlikely friendship with an accused killer who took his name -- what happened next would become a book and a film.
under the radar
I was disappointed that this particular episode made no mention whatsoever of Longo's JW past. That's too bad, because it's a big part of the story. The closest it came to doing so was that it said he and his wife had been members of the same congregation, though it still didn't say it was a Jehovah's Witness congregation. The Fatal Devotion episode of the Final Witness docudrama series revealed a lot about Longo's JW background and implied that the increasing stress of trying to present the image of a perfect Witness family played as much a role in this horrific tragedy as did his innate narcissism and hypocrisy.
I completely agree that his simply being a JW, or even the humiliation and disgrace of being disfellowshipped, did not directly cause this unspeakable act of betrayal. But I would argue that the constant pressure of feeling forced to keep up appearances, coupled with the increasing responsibilities of providing for his family, certainly laid the groundwork. It's easy to see how he could have fallen into a "drowning man" syndrome.
Now that doesn't excuse his actions in any way whatsoever. Plenty of other people feel overwhelmed and don't know which way to turn, but they don't murder their family and run off to Mexico to start a new life like nothing ever happened. That's what a psychopath does. I do think Longo is psychopathic, narcissistic, avaricious, conniving, and self-serving to the extreme, but I don't think he's clinically insane. I think he's evil. He deserved the death penalty, or at least four consecutive life sentences without parole.
Sat., March 28th, TV program "48-hours" investigates JW killer, Christian Longo. Focuses on his impersonation of journalist
by AndersonsInfo in .
48 hours investigates accused killer who impersonated journalist.
march 27, 2015, 8:20 am|a journalist strikes up an unlikely friendship with an accused killer who took his name -- what happened next would become a book and a film.
under the radar
Thanks, Barbara! I just set the DVR to record it tonight, just in case I get distracted and forget. I am definitely planning to see the movie when it comes out next month.